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[Torvin]], a [[aladin#Oath of Devotion|Oath of Devotion Paladin] of [Unkh]] and [Sorcerer#Divine Soul|Divine Soul Sorcerer]]

Personality Traits

  • Curious
  • Pensive


Mysteries: Believes that life is full of secrets, and uncovering them is the highest form of worship. This speaks to their pensive and curious nature and aligns well with their devotion to [[Unkh]], the god of secrets.


Religious Order: A deep sense of loyalty to the [Priests of Unkh]] and the priest who took you in when you were orphaned.


Obsessed: Can become so absorbed in a mystery that you neglect your surroundings and your allies' needs.


In the lush wilderness of [[Chult]], close to the looming [[Peaks of Flame]], a [[young half-elf]] was found alone and parentless. This child was discovered by a traveling priest of Unkh, the deity embodied as a Flail Snail, renowned for its unpredictability and mysterious nature. Noting Torvin's innate curiosity, the priest recognized a reflection of Unkh's divine traits and chose to adopt the boy into his religious order.

Torvin was raised within the austere temple walls, a haven for scholars and devotees of Unkh. The temple was his home, a world brimming with cryptic texts, intricate rituals, and fascinating secrets waiting to be revealed. The priest, a father figure to him, taught Torvin the language of the divine, guiding him to connect with Unkh through prayer and contemplation.

Among the temple acolytes, Torvin was distinctive. He possessed a relentless curiosity, a penchant for unraveling the obscure, mirroring Unkh's attributes. The priests, witnessing his unique divine connection, encouraged him to walk the path of a paladin. Torvin embraced this calling, committing himself to Unkh's service.

However, Torvin's path twisted further into the enigmatic. He felt a pull towards Unkh's other aspects—unpredictability and indecision. Searching for comprehension, he delved into arcane studies, uncovering a latent knack for sorcery. As his arcane abilities unfolded, Torvin realized he was not just a paladin but a [[Divine Soul|Divine Soul Sorcerer]], his connection to Unkh more profound than he had imagined.

Yet, his unwavering devotion came with a price. Torvin's fervor to unlock the unknown often manifested as obsession, an absorption so deep that it detached him from his surroundings. His peers and mentors noticed but understood—Torvin's zealous quest for knowledge and his obsession were intertwined, reflecting Unkh's own mysteries.

When the news of [[Nyali Goldhand]]'s disappearance reached the temple, Torvin felt a divine call to action. He viewed it as a test from Unkh, a riddle he was destined to solve. Bracing himself for the journey, his purpose was clear and his curiosity aflame.

Leaving the temple behind, Torvin was not merely an [[Backgrounds#Acolyte|acolyte]]. He was a living embodiment of Unkh's enigmatic nature, a [[paladin]] and a [[sorcerer]], devoted to the divine and the arcane. His journey would lead him into a labyrinth of hidden truths and trials. But Torvin was ready. Guided by his faith in Unkh, he was prepared to traverse the untamed wilderness and unlock the secrets veiled within the heart of [[Chult]].

Torvin speaks [[Languages|Chultan]], Common, Celestial, Elvish, and Draconic. He is immune to diseases and sleep magic.