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Colwyn, the Vulpin Druid

Background: Feylost

Childhood and the Feywild: Colwyn was born in a small Vulpin village nestled deep within an ancient forest. As a curious and adventurous child, he often wandered farther than he should have. One fateful day, his explorations led him through a mysterious portal into the Feywild, a realm of enchantment and illusion. In this strange and whimsical land, time flowed differently, and Colwyn spent what felt like years learning the ways of the Fey. His charm and wit caught the attention of a trickster fae, who gifted him with an extra tail, marking him as one of their own.

Distrust and Greed: Life in the Feywild taught Colwyn many things, but it also fostered a deep mistrust of adults, whom he often saw as deceitful and self-serving. This perspective solidified when he returned to his village to find it much changed, with those he once knew having aged significantly or passed on. The experiences in both realms cultivated a sense of greed within him; he learned that in both the Feywild and the material plane, power and treasures often spoke louder than words. He would do whatever it took to get what he wanted, regardless of the consequences.

A Trusted Friend: Despite his distrust of adults, Colwyn formed a close bond with a fellow Feylost individual, a birdfolk named Elara. She shared his love for shiny things and the thrill of adventure. Their companionship became the anchor in Colwyn's life, the one constant in a world of uncertainty and deceit. For him, Elara's trust and friendship were more valuable than any treasure.

Kleptomaniac Tendencies: Colwyn's time in the Feywild ingrained in him a fascination with shiny, sparkling objects. This obsession grew into a kleptomaniac tendency, making him a skilled but impulsive thief. He would often slip small trinkets and valuable items into his pockets, unable to resist their allure.

Skills and Languages: In addition to his natural intelligence and charisma, Colwyn learned to play the flute during his time in the Feywild, a skill that often charmed those around him. His ability to speak birdfolk, Druidic, Goblin, and Vulpin languages made him a valuable communicator and negotiator in his travels.

Current Goal: Now, as a young adult, Colwyn wanders the world, driven by his greed and desire for treasure. His druidic abilities, honed in the Feywild, make him a formidable opponent and a cunning ally. He seeks riches and power but remains fiercely loyal to Elara, his trusted friend. Together, they navigate the dangers of the world, always on the lookout for the next adventure and the next shiny object to covet.